In order to secure each booking, we require prepayment and full payment during the stay to be completed before guests check-in.
Payments can only be returned based on the conditions set by Umah Nusa Dua.
Prices are subject to change after length of stay or new extension.
Confirmation of renewal is subject to room availability.
Payments can be made using a debit or credit card as well as by digital bank transfer, check or cash deposit.
Any fees submitted by the bank for the payment system, then these fees are the main responsibility of the guest.
Other payments (where available) must be completed prior to check out, or weekly, for monthly guests.
If things get out of control and we have to cancel your booking, please note that we cannot be held responsible for such circumstances. And that our liability to you is limited to refunds for payments already made.
Check-in time at our place is 14:00 WIB. If the guest cancels before 08:00 WITA on the same day, a 100% refund will be given. If the cancellation exceeds 08:00 WITA, the guest will be charged 1 (one) night.
It should be noted that these T&Cs are valid during the pandemic
When the situation returns to normal, it will change from time to time.